FastChargeLongLife – Model-based evaluation of the operating limits of different cell systems for the design of adaptive fast-charging strategies along the entire utilization phase
The FastChargeLongLife project focuses on the model-based evaluation of the operating limits of various cell systems for the design of adaptive fast-charging strategies throughout the entire utilization phase. Various electrothermal and physicochemical simulation models are being developed in the project for the model-based evaluation of fast-charging capability. These allow the prediction of safe operating limits and the prediction of safety-critical internal aging effects. A coupled model approach allows the evaluation of the maximum operating limits of different cell material systems for the derivation of optimized fast charging strategies. These are adaptively adjusted along the entire utilization phase so that no critical aging effects such as lithium plating occur, which degrade the service life and impair safety. For periodic aging conditions, battery cells are opened and examined with respect to measurement degradation. The results are used to optimize the models and verify the methodology of age-dependent adaptation. The coupled model approach allows a fast evaluation of different cell material systems with respect to fast charging capability along the entire service life. As a result, requirement profiles can be evaluated at an early stage and innovation cycles can be accelerated. In addition, the optimized fast charging strategies can help to improve the charging time and service life of lithium-ion batteries.

© FastChargeLongLife
Technische Universität Braunschweig
elenia Institute for High Voltage Technology and Power Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Kurrat
Telefon: +49 531 391-7737
Fabian Katschewitz
Telefon: +49 531 391-9723
Schleinitzstraße 23, 38106 Braunschweig
Project duration
01.10.2020 – 30.09.2023
Involved partners